Teaching to Exceed in the English Language Arts: A Justice, Inquiry, and Action Approach for 6–12 Classrooms 2023

The third edition frames ELA instruction around adopting a justice, inquiry, and action approach that supports students in their schools and community contexts. Offering new ways to respond to current issues and events, the text provides specific examples of teachers employing the justice, inquiry, and action curriculum framework to promote critical engagement and learning. Chapters cover common problems and challenges, alternative models, and theories of language arts teaching. The framework, knowledge, and guidance in this book shows how ELA standards can not only be addressed but also surpassed through engaging instruction to foster truly diverse and inclusive classrooms.

The third edition provides new material on:

adopting a justice, inquiry, and action approach to enhance student engagement and critical thinking
planning instruction to effectively implement standards in the classroom
teaching literary and informational texts, with a focus on authors of color
integrating drama activities into literature
teaching informational, explanatory, argumentative, and narrative writing
supporting bilingual/ELL students
using digital tools and apps to respond to and create digital texts
addressing how larger contextual and political factors shape instruction
fostering preservice teacher development


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