Bolstering Vocabulary with Teacher Talk in the Classroom 2023


This practical guide introduces “Teacher Talk,” an easy-to-use tool for teachers to help improve elementary students’ vocabulary. When students are exposed to extensive vocabularies, they are better prepared to build their receptive and productive language and succeed academically. Through many inviting examples and real-world guidance, Rowe and Haase explain how to be reflective and intentional about the language you use and how to use elevated or substitutionary language to model different registers of speech for elementary students.

The various “Teacher Talk” strategies in this book cover key topics, including disciplinary vocabulary, modelling academic discourse, addressing state and national standards, and meeting individual student needs across grades K–6. With many charts, activities, and tools that are ready for use, this book equips teachers with many methods for bolstering students’ academic language in the classroom and beyond.

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我的小孩的成长分享 » Bolstering Vocabulary with Teacher Talk in the Classroom 2023