DK 2020新书 实际的自给自足 Practical Self Sufficiency

我们所有人都可以采取措施减少碳足迹并更加自给自足。 对于某些人来说,这可能意味着要坚持不懈地生活在陆地上。 对于我们其他人而言,现实可能涉及较小但同样重要的生活方式变化:减少塑料或食物浪费,减少蔬菜种植,保存肉和鱼,准备果酱和酸辣酱,烘烤酸面团面包,制作自己的植物, 基础牛奶,或养一两只鸡。

Dick和James Strawbridge知道进行这些更改的感觉。 在他们之间,他们生活在一个小农舍里,在一个排屋里,甚至是一个城堡里。 在此最新版的《实用的自给自足》中,他们分享了所学到的一切,并为您提供了使自己更有意义,更注重环境的生活所需的工具。

We can all take steps to reduce our carbon footprint and be more self-sufficient. For some, that might mean upping sticks and living off the land. For the rest of us, the reality might involve smaller, but no less important, lifestyle changes: cutting back on plastic or food waste, growing vegetables, preserving meat and fish, preparing jams and chutneys, baking sourdough bread, making your own plant-based milks, or keeping a chicken or two.

Dick and James Strawbridge know what it’s like to make these changes. Between them, they’ve lived on a smallholding, in a terraced house, and even a chateau. In this updated edition of Practical Self-sufficiency they share everything they’ve learned, and give you the tools you need for a more rewarding and environmentally conscious life.

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我的小孩的成长分享 » DK 2020新书 实际的自给自足 Practical Self Sufficiency