Saddleback’s Focus on Reading Study Guides 含25册PDF+24配套小说

名著阅读 Saddleback’s Focus on Reading Study Guides 含25册 赠24本配套小说

名著阅读学习指南 Focus on Reading 25本
1.A Long Way from Chicago ReadingGuide.
2.Diceys Song Reading Guide.
3.Ella Enchanted Reading Guide.
4.Holes Reading Guide.
5.Jacob Have I Loved ReadingGuide.
6.Lord of the Flies Reading Guide.
7.Maniac Magee Reading Guide.
8.My Brother Sam ls Dead ReadingGuide.
9.Number the Stars ReadingGuide.
10.Out of the Dust Reading Guide.
11.Pigman Reading Guide.
12.Roll of Thunder, Hear My CryReading Guide.
13.Tangerine Reading Guide.
14.The Diary of a Young Girl ReadingGuide.
15.The Giver Reading Guide.
16.The Midwifes Apprentice ReadingGuide.
17.The Outsiders Reading Guide.
18.The Pearl Reading Guide.
19.To Kill a Mockingbird ReadingGuide.
20.Tuck Everlasting Reading Guide.
21.Walk Two Moons Reading Guide.
22.Watsons Go to Birmingham 1963,the Reading Guide.
23.When Zachary Beaver Came to Town Reading Guide.
24.Wringer Reading Guide.
25.Diceys Song Reading Guide.

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