DK 2020新书 Be Plastic Clever 精明使用塑料

与青少年艾米(Amy)和埃拉·米克(Ella Meek)一起,他们的使命是在这本实用的书中摆脱一次性塑料的世界,非常适合萌芽的生态战士。

Be Plastic Clever将向年轻的活动家们讲授塑料污染和气候变化的危险,同时也帮助他们找到自己的声音。艾米(Amy)和埃拉(Ella)希望他们的书能够帮助年轻的读者大声疾呼自己感兴趣的问题,并激发他们自己成为年轻的积极分子。

艾米(Amy)和埃拉(Ella)创立了儿童防塑料(Kids Against Plastic),其目标是消除英国一次性塑料瓶超级市场。他们的竞选活动越来越大-他们共同收集了60,000多件一次性塑料垃圾,进行了自己的TedX演讲,并在英国各地召集了一群精明的孩子来帮助他们解决问题。他们在国会大厦和联合国上发表讲话,并发起了#BePlasticClever活动,以鼓励学校,企业和节日注意塑料的使用。哦,他们还在上学时玩弄了!

野生动物节目主持人史蒂夫·巴歇尔(Steve Backshall)撰写了令人难以置信的前言,艾米和埃拉(Amy and Ella)的日记条目详细介绍了他们的旅程,并提供了许多可帮助您的工作的提示,这是摆脱一次性塑料世界的终极指南。

Join teenage activists Amy and Ella Meek on their mission to rid the world of single-use plastics in this practical book, perfect for budding eco-warriors.

Be Plastic Clever will teach young activists about the dangers of plastic pollution and climate change, but also to help them find their voice. Amy and Ella want their book to help young readers shout about the issues they are passionate about and inspire them to become young activists in their own right.

Amy and Ella founded Kids Against Plastic with the goal of ridding UK supermarkets of single-use plastic bottles. Their campaign has grown and grown – together they’ve picked up more than 60,000 pieces of single-use plastic litter, performed their own TedX talk, and gathered together a crack team of kids across the UK to help them tackle the problem. They’ve spoken at the Houses of Parliament and the UN, and created the #BePlasticClever campaign to encourage schools, businesses, and festivals to be mindful of their plastic use. Oh, and they also juggle this with going to school!

With an incredible foreword by wildlife presenter Steve Backshall, diary entries from Amy and Ella detailing their journey, and plenty of tips on what you can do to help, it’s the ultimate guide to ridding the world of single-use plastics.

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我的小孩的成长分享 » DK 2020新书 Be Plastic Clever 精明使用塑料