DK 2020新书 征服世界上最令人印象深刻的城堡 Castles Conquer the world’s most impressive castles







Journey across the world and throughout history to discover the world’s best and most unusual castles, and learn about their features, from the tallest turrets to the dingiest dungeons. Find out how castles have changed over time and what happened to the people who lived in them.

A glimpse into the history of different castles around the world, the dramatic battles to conquer them, and the weapons that defended and defeated them.

Travel through time and venture into the wonderful world of castles, from the extravagant châteaux of France, to the impenetrable fortresses of Japan.

Find out why castles were built and witness some of the most famous sieges in history. Trek across the world to visit castles perched on perilous clifftops and exotic islands. Meet the medieval rulers who built the grandest castles and forts, and the modern tycoons who splashed out money trying to replicate them.

Discover why the spiral staircases in castles always turned clockwise, and why their toilets always smelled so bad! And learn about the great lengths that prisoners would go to in order to escape…

This children’s book takes you on an immersive adventure to a collection of castles each beautifully illustrated at a particular moment in history. See the world’s best castles from a range of viewpoints, whether you are standing next to samurai warriors waiting to attack, or castle jesters entertaining the king. Castle is a fact-packed, modern look at a classic topic.

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我的小孩的成长分享 » DK 2020新书 征服世界上最令人印象深刻的城堡 Castles Conquer the world’s most impressive castles