The Early Elementary Grammar Toolkit (2023)

Teaching grammar can be overwhelming and is often an overlooked part of effective instruction, especially for young learners. The Early Elementary Grammar Toolkit to the rescue! This comprehensive guide makes grammar instruction in the K–2 classroom fun and meaningful.

Teach grammar in a practical and applicable way by presenting each grammar rule as a useful writing tool for students.
Use mentor texts—excerpts from great literature—to help students understand grammar in action.
Promote metacognition along the way so that students become responsible for their own learning.
Implement innovative instructional strategies and tools aligned with national and state standards.
Throughout the book, you’ll find step-by-step recommendations for teaching grammatical concepts to young learners, including the use of punctuation, capitalization, parts of speech, and more. With standards-based resources and activities for grades K–2, the book includes tips addressing teaching for each of these grades, classroom snapshots that show you the tools in action, flowcharts, infographics, and specific instructional recommendations to engage students.

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我的小孩的成长分享 » The Early Elementary Grammar Toolkit (2023)