C21 English for The 21st Century 共5级别 电子版

C21 English for The 21st Century is a groundbreaking five-level general English course that integrates 21st century skills and academic skills to ensure that students have the skills they need for study, work and life. Academic skills prepare students for tertiary level study, while 21st century skills prepare students for the workplace and life in general. Skills are levelled in a way that makes them accessible from A1 level, with students introduced to basic study skills, classroom language, and a proactive, self-reflective, creative approach to learning and class interaction. This ensures that students are not just passive receptors of language instruction, but active communicators responsible for their own development. The activity types within each lesson put the students at the centre of the learning process and require them to bring their own ideas into the classroom, to bring their critical faculties to bear on texts and tasks that can only be completed through successful teamwork and cooperation.

Learners are asked to take a more active role in the learning process. They are given help and guidance in achieving this aim, both through specific notes and activities, and as an approach running through the course. For many activities, giving simple yes/no answers is discouraged and learners are often asked toexplain or support their answers. They are also asked to bring theirown experiences and ideas into the classroom.


C21 English for The 21st Century 1-5级别 1-3级含课本,练习册,音频,视频,教师书 4-5级别 含课本,音频,视频 PDF清晰度一般 介意勿拍


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