DK 2020 新书 生活故事:伊丽莎白女王二世 DK Life Stories: Queen Elizabeth II


这本引人入胜的电子书从公共和私人角度探讨了伊丽莎白的生活。 这可以追溯到她作为公主的早年,她在第二次世界大战期间在女性军队中的经历,她的加冕礼以及她在国内和公众场合的女王生活。 了解伊丽莎白如何与13位英国首相一起工作,会见来自世界各地的领导人,并保持稳定的身分,担任英国王室负责人。

DK生活故事超越了基本事实,可以讲述历史上最鼓舞人心的真实生活故事。 全彩色照片和手绘插图补充了适合年龄的叙事文字。 定义框,信息侧边栏和鼓舞人心的报价增加了深度,而背面的方便引用部分使DK Life Stories成为每个人都想收集的传记系列。

Discover the inspiring story of Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning monarch in British history, in this fascinating kids’ biography.

This compelling ebook looks at Elizabeth’s life, both as a public and private figure. It traces her early years as a princess, her experiences in the women’s army during World War II, her coronation and her life as Queen both at home and in the public eye. Learn how Elizabeth has worked alongside 13 British prime ministers, met leaders from around the world, and has remained a stable presence as head of the British royal family.

DK Life Stories goes beyond the basic facts to tell the true life stories of history’s most inspiring people. Full-colour photographs and hand-drawn illustrations complement age-appropriate, narrative text. Definition boxes, information sidebars, and inspiring quotes add depth, while a handy reference section at the back makes DK Life Stories the one biography series everyone will want to collect.


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我的小孩的成长分享 » DK 2020 新书 生活故事:伊丽莎白女王二世 DK Life Stories: Queen Elizabeth II