The Art of Public Speaking 10th Edition 高清PDF

By far the leading speech textbook of our time, The Art of Public Speaking has defined the art of being the best for more than 10 million students and instructors. Whether a novice or an experienced speaker, every student will learn how to be a better public speaker through Lucas’ clear explanations of classical and contemporary theory and thorough coverage of practical applications. The new edition offers a revolutionary digital experience–McGraw-Hill Connect Lucas and Connect Lucas Plus. The Connect Lucas products allow students and instructors to access all course materials including a complete media and research library, study aids and speech preparation and assessment tools from a single place, With Connect Lucas, students use the traditional printed text. Specially marked icons in the text guide students to the media-rich, interactive features available at Connect Lucas Plus allows students and instructors to access the fully-integrated, media-rich textbook from As students read the book online, linked icons guide them to embedded media-rich, interactive features

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