high note 1-5级别 电子版

High Note is an intensive five-level course for upper-secondary students that bridges the gap between school life and young adulthood. Designed to inspire modern teenagers to reach their ambitious goals, the course equips them with language skills alongside the life and career competencies that are indispensable to succeed in exams, in the workplace and in their future lives.


Key Features:

  • The Life Skills Development Programme built into the core of the course
  • Frequent opportunities to practise communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking with thought-provoking texts, authentic documentary videos and real-life projects
  • Development and practice of key reading and listening strategies
  • Speaking activities which enable highly effcient, fluent and accurate communication in a wide variety of situations
  • Topics that increase cultural awareness and deepen understanding of important social issues
  • Practical tasks and learning strategies which reinforce students’ independence
  • Exam practice woven seamlessly throughout the course
  • Task-based exam tips pre-empting the most frequent mistakes
  • Extra language and skills training with Online Practice and extra digital activities
  • Authentic, thought-provoking documentary videos produced in cooperation with ITN Productions
  • Short, authentic clips of real people filmed on the streets of London answering questions about their lives and giving their opinions
  • Situational videos presenting key functional language of the speaking lessons
  • Extra video which complements the Life Skills Development Programme to provide practical techniques of giving successful presentations

high note 包含课本,音频,练习册,音频,教师书,视频 ,test(第一级别无视频)

第5级别 内页截图 

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我的小孩的成长分享 » high note 1-5级别 电子版