Oxford insight 全5级别电子版 牛津教材
资源包含 课本(高清PDF),练习册(扫描PDF),教师书(扫描PDF) 课本有音频,练习册部分有音频
包含Elementary、Pre Intermediate、Intermediate、Upper Intermediate、Advanced,共5级,通过策略框和分步指南支持学生养成良好的学习习惯,无限制的在线练习增强了在家自主学习的能力,适合10-15岁的小朋友、英语培训机构、英语相关从业者使用。
Insight is a five-level British English course for secondary students that will challenge your students to reach their full potential, develop their understanding and knowledge of language and inspire them to a lifelong love of learning.
Children connect with the Everybody Up Friends, who motivate them to speak English.
Oxford‘s insight is packed full of thought-provoking topics, information-rich texts and interesting activities and tasks that will motivate and engage your students whilst challenging their opinions and inspiring them to think critically about the world they live in. insight will help your students to develop a deeper understanding of how language works. Lesson material looks at not just the meaning of vocabulary but also the grammatical rules that govern its use, enabling students to use language with confidence. insight offers everything you need to make your lessons engaging and informative, whilst the interactive online teaching tools and integrated video/audio will enrich your students’ learning in the classroom. Students are supported to learn good study habits through strategy boxes and step-by-step guides throughout the course, and unlimited online practice enhances independent learning at home, whilst also allowing you to easily track student’s progress and spend less time marking.
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