YLE Cambridge Storyfun for starters/movvers/flyers

YLE Cambridge Storyfun for starters/movvers/flyers 三个级别 学生书+教师书+音频 

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This series provides enjoyable practice for the Cambridge Young Learners English (YLE) Tests. Each book contains ten fully-illustrated stories followed by fun activities and exam-style questions designed to check learners’ understanding, and practise the grammar, vocabulary and skills needed at each level. Each story unit provides enough material to cover between 90-180 minutes class time. The Teacher’s Book comes with audio recordings of all the stories and listening activities. It also includes step-by-step guidance on how to approach the activities, extra photocopiable materials and a summary of the main grammar and vocabulary points covered in each story.
Key features

Lively stories will capture your pupils’ imagination and help them prepare for the Cambridge Young Learners English (YLE) Starters, Movers and Flyers Tests.
Follow-up activities present YLE tasks in a motivating and easy-to-use way.
Activities include a special focus on areas most likely to cause problems for young learners at these levels.
Unit-by-unit wordlists provide an easy reference for vocabulary learning.
Each Teacher’s Book includes creative teaching tips and photocopiable activities for extra practice.





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