Brilliant Essays (Macmillan Study Skills) 高清PDF

Ursula Hackett’s tried-and-tested approach for essay success helps students to create brilliant, original, high-scoring essays that are enjoyable to write – and read. With dozens of hands-on exercises and clear examples, Brilliant Essays begins with students’ everyday experience of using language, arguing a case, reading, thinking, and communicating with other people. Chapters help students to examine – and dispel – assumptions, build and control their arguments and use evidence effectively, in written assignments and timed exams. The final chapter provides clear, no-nonsense answers to frequently asked questions raised by Ursula’s students at Royal Holloway, University of London and the University of Oxford and via her YouTube channel and website.
Whichever subject your students study, Brilliant Essays will take them beyond the basics and give them the tools to reach their academic potential.

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