Creating Drama with 7-11 Year Olds Lesson Ideas to Integrate Drama into the Primary Curriculum

This practical book gives you all the ideas you need to make drama a regular and integral part of your school’s curriculum, offering detailed suggestions of drama work for ages 7 to 11. The teaching units are arranged around four strands: drama for literacy; drama and the whole curriculum; drama film, media, and ICT; and drama for performance. The authors provide a wealth of practical activities throughout. Each unit includes: explicit links to the Renewed Framework for literacy and the wider curriculum a list of resources needed clear learning objectives and outcomes steps for teaching and learning including how to modify activities to suit your school links to writing assessment guidance. Based on the authors’ experience as teachers and in-service trainers, this book provides a wide range of ideas and activities for inspiring drama across Key Stage 2, and is essential reading for all those interested in bringing drama into their school.

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