Childrens language connecting reading writing and talk

The more teachers understand about how children learn to talk, the more they can help children become avid, joyful readers and writers. Drawing on a large body of research and her own volunteer work at a family shelter, Lindfors concisely identifies several important commonalities across oral and written language. Taking the compelling perspective that it’s all language, she traces children’s emergent literacy from infancy through the early school years. The book incorporates abundant examples from a diverse range of children engaged in authentic literacy experiences. Lindfors describes a set of principles that teachers can build on as they help young students learn to read and write using the oral language processes they already know.

Book Features:

A new, more positive “language acquisition perspective” on children’s literacy.

Fascinating and insightfully framed quotes, writings, and drawings from children.

A 24-page Guide for Instructors and Teacher Study Groups, available for download at

An Appendix containing an interview with shelter staff from SafePlace, a domestic violence shelter, offering basic information on how to identify children who are living in situations of violence and how teachers can respond.

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我的小孩的成长分享 » Childrens language connecting reading writing and talk