Norse Myths by DK 2021

Exciting stories, extraordinary creatures, and compelling gods, goddesses, and heroes come together in this compendium of Norse myths—first told long ago by the Vikings. Perfect for children ages 7 to 9, this collection contains more than 30 enthralling new retellings.

Read about Thor, the god of thunder and how he once disguised himself as a bride to seek revenge on a giant and retrieve his powerful hammer, Mjolnir; and how Sif, the goddess of fertility, had her long golden hair cut off by Loki, the trickster god. Each myth is told with thrilling immediacy, in language that is easy for children to understand, while retaining the awe, majesty, and intrigue of the original tales. Stunning illustrations by multi-award-winning artist Katie Ponder breathe new life into each story.

Additional feature pages delve deeper into the mythical world, providing profiles of the featured gods and goddesses and giving the context behind the myths. The reference section provides key background information, such as Norse cosmology and facts about the incredible Norse characters, and comes complete with a pronunciation e-guide.

Norse Myths is the perfect gift, featuring foil on the cover and beautiful illustrations throughout. Children will love exploring the tales by themselves or as bedtime stories. This stunning ebook will be treasured forever.

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我的小孩的成长分享 » Norse Myths by DK 2021