The Oxford Handbook of English Grammar 2020

This handbook provides an authoritative, critical survey of current research and knowledge in the grammar of the English language. Following an introduction from the editors, the volume’s expert contributors explore a range of core topics in English grammar, beginning with issues in grammar writing and methodology. Chapters in part II then examine the various theoretical approaches to grammar, such as cognitive, constructional, and generative approaches, followed by
the chapters in part III, which comprehensively cover the different subdomains of grammar, including compounds, phrase structure, clause types, tense and aspect, and information structure. Part IV offers coverage of the relationship between grammar and other fields – lexis, phonology, meaning, and
discourse – while the concluding part of the book investigates grammatical change over time, regional variation, and genre and literary variation. The handbook’s wide-ranging coverage will appeal to researchers and students of English language and linguistics from undergraduate level upwards.

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