The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation 2021最新版

The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation: An Easy-to-Use Guide with Clear Rules, Real-World Examples, 12th Edition

The best-selling workbook and grammar guide, revised and updated!

Hailed as one of the best books around for teaching grammar, The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation includes easy-to-understand rules, abundant examples, dozens of reproducible exercises, and pre- and post-tests to help teach grammar to middle and high schoolers, college students, ESL students, homeschoolers, and more. This concise, entertaining workbook makes learning English grammar and usage simple and fun. This updated Twelfth Edition reflects the latest updates to English usage and grammar and features a two-color design and lay-flat binding for easy photocopying.

Clear and concise, with easy-to-follow explanations, offering “just the facts” on English grammar, punctuation, and usage
Fully updated to reflect the latest rules, along with quizzes and pre- and post-tests to help teach grammar
Ideal for students from seventh grade through adulthood in the US and abroad

For anyone who wants to understand the major rules and subtle guidelines of English grammar and usage, The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation offers comprehensive, straightforward instruction.

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