Civilization: A History of the World in 1000 Objects

Discover how humans created their world from the objects they left behind – from the US Constitution to the first iPhone – in DK‘s latest history book.

From the beginning of human history, the one thing that has defined us is our talent for making things, from basic technology and everyday objects, such as bowls and hand axes, to high-tech inventions, such as supersonic aircraft, smart devices, and Mars rovers.

Objects speak volumes about a civilization, telling us how our ancestors lived – as well as what they believed in and valued. A bronze cat mummy shows us how highly the ancient Egyptians valued their feline companions, while a mechanical tiger toy tells the story of rising tensions between an Indian sultan and European colonisers. With stunning, specially commissioned photography, Civilization shows you the objects that our ancestors treasured – from the jewellery worn by the Mesopotamians to the prized ritual vessels used by the people of the Shang dynasty – and gives you an insight into what gave each culture its own identity.

From astrolabes and aeroplanes to vacuum cleaners and X-rays, DK uses its hallmark visual style to weave the extraordinary legacy of our creativity into a unique view of world history that will change the way you see the objects all around us.

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